Shakira Sison

Dating and Relationships

Someday someone is going to take you in— every single hair and pore, every word and flaw— and you’ll forget there was a time you weren’t loved.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

You need to love someone who makes you hate what you’ve become, to be sure of who you are and who you never want to be again.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

It’s better to have tried to love then realized you didn’t love the person, than to lose a person you later realize you actually loved.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Always follow your heart. Your mind may keep you awake at night right now, but your heart will haunt you for years to come.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

I have lived and loved enough to know this: Life is so short. Love is so rare. Make the most of your time with people you love. Do not waste time on people you don’t. Life changes in an instant. If you can only do one thing with your life, be certain the one you love feels loved.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Dreams, plans, and goals are good. But they are meaningless if you can’t sustain a relationship today and make it last until that coveted future. A relationship can’t be built on future plans. There has to be something to chew on today or you’ll never reach that tomorrow.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

You learn this quickly as a child, in school, and at work: If you don’t get the help you ask for, you will do it yourself. It’s the same in relationships. When your partner says, “I need you,” “Stay,” or “Let’s go away” and you let them down, they will take care of themselves.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

In any relationship there is at least one irreconcilable issue. The entire duration of the relationship will be spent denying this deal breaker, focusing on the other parts of the relationship, until more issues compound it or both parties accept it as never to be resolved.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

“If you love me, you will never leave me.” Don’t shackle someone to you. Be the best partner. Love well. The end is your only guarantee.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Asking for love after you’ve been told he/she doesn’t love you is as gross and disrespectful as pushing for sex after you’ve been told no.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Being rejected once is enough. No need to keep asking if they changed their mind. If they’ll ever love you, they will find you. Promise.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Before you come up with a list of requirements for a partner, be sure you bring more than that in return.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Listen to your mind, heart, and body when you are attracted to someone outside your relationship. It tells you what you can improve within it.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

You may believe that love fixes everything, but not even love can bring back the dead if you’ve killed your relationship with your neglect.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

You are a wonderful person and if someone doesn’t see that and adore you from the start, that person is not the one for you. Period. End of story. Don’t keep waiting for better treatment or for their feelings to change. Stop begging for scraps when you deserve the world.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Sure you love that person, but make sure you are loving them the way they want to be loved. Oftentimes being loved in ways you don’t need feels like not being loved at all.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Sometimes you need to reach a breaking point before you notice the cracks. By then you’ll realize that nothing is too small to ignore. If you’re lucky you’ll learn that many things that seem too big can actually be fixed. But the best lesson is accepting what you cannot change.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

You can teach someone to love you the way you want to be loved, but you can’t make someone love you more than they actually do.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

There may be one person out there for you but he or she is not going to seek you out and knock on your door if you wait for him or her in hiding all your life. You don’t have to go to a bar. Be out there, learn some skills, be visible. Then maybe you’ll finally be found.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Never underestimate the value of saying, “I don’t want to fight anymore,” but don’t say it until you’re ready to shut up and truly listen.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Make sure someone is with you because of a daily commitment to share a life with you. Not out of pity, obligation, fear, or dependence.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

When your partner knows they are free to leave you when they are no longer happy, when they stay you know it’s likely that they still are.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Drop the mindset that people – partners, family members, friends – need to be together forever or they’re bad. Miserably staying is bad.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

When you are rejected, quit sticking around. Staying teaches the other person that to keep you is to hurt you and tell you you’re not loved.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

You’re not stuck until you decide to be.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Ask once and believe that answer. Do not ask again.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

You are a wonderful person and if someone doesn’t see that and adore you from the start, that person is not the one for you. Period. End of story. Don’t keep waiting for better treatment or for their feelings to change. Stop begging for scraps when you deserve the world.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

Sometimes you leave not because someone is bad to you, but they’re bad to themselves, attack you for caring, and you can’t watch it anymore.

Shakira Sison viaTwitter

When you are deeply loved by someone, taking care of yourself – from crossing the street to eating right – becomes an easy responsibility.

Shakira Sison via Twitter

The most loving thing you can do for your partner is to be able to say, “I love you and I will do everything I can to stay healthy and live long so I can have a happy and meaningful life with you.” Disregarding your health is disregarding your partner’s happiness.

– Shakira Sison

Don’t marry the self-proclaimed ‘good boy.’ Instead, watch any prospect’s attitude towards female strangers. It’s easy to be good to your sister and mother. Hard to respect all women, support their empowerment and right to their body, even sex workers & sex-positive women.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Sometimes the way a person loves you is exactly how you need to be loved, but you are not yet ready to receive it, have not evolved enough to realize what it is you need, or are still fighting the responsibility that love entails. Let them go until you are worthy of that love.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Always give your partner the freedom to leave. Threatening them, restricting them, limiting their finances and options only traps them. Is your love a prison? Give them the choice to love you and be with you daily. Keep the door open and you’ll know they really want to stay.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

There is incredible power in a woman who is able to say to a man at any point in their relationship, “Go, leave if you want. I’ll survive.”

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Does your man rationalize infidelity and having multiple families? Does he insist that “women just don’t understand” the desires and needs of men? If so, he’s not going to tell you what he wants and instead seek it elsewhere, of course with the help of other men who ‘understand’.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

I keep getting asked, “What do I do?” It really isn’t what you should do, because you know exactly what you should do. The question really is, “What are you willing to do?” There’s no point restating the right action when you’re not willing to do it.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

If you react to men’s affairs by always blaming the other woman, your husband or boyfriend knows that if he cheats on you, you’ll never blame him.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

If you believe you wasted X years just because it ended, you should rethink what you’re in a relationship for. Loving someone for a day is already a gift. If your objective is to marry, spawn, or trap someone, you’ll always be disappointed and waste love when it’s there to enjoy.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Somewhere between ‘be yourself’ and ‘unconditional love,’ we made love a contest of how much of each other’s shit we can take with a smile.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Can we stop limiting ourselves to a “one great love” or the “love of my life” or “the one that got away”? We will all have many great loves, each one as meaningful in its own way. Refusing to value or learn from your relationships makes you overvalue the one you can’t have.

-Shakira Sison via Twitter

The people who are meant to stay in your life will stay. Those who do not are meant to be with you for just a little while. The point is to learn from each person’s brief visit and cherish those who are with you for the long haul, but to never stop people when they say goodbye.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

You may believe that this perfect person with all your desired qualities will one day appear. But meeting certain criteria does not mean he or she will love you, or that you will love her or him. Even if you love each other, a combination of qualities does not equal compatibility or long-term stability. For that you need work, kindness, patience, and commitment. As you get older, you will realize that what you want is to be loved deeply by someone who is good to you and to others, works hard, and whose presence maintains a certain level of your desire. Some may call this settling, and I don’t totally disagree. You cannot be in maximum velocity all your life.

– Shakira Sison

Your most powerful weapon is knowing for sure that you’ll be fine on your own. That aura affords you respect and consideration. An aura of desperation and insecurity is not inspiring. It makes the person you love feel like a crutch instead of an equal to respect and grow with.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

Be brave enough to tell someone you love them. Be strong enough to tell them you don’t.

– Shakira Sison

Love isn’t the sand in an hourglass you turn over. Your feelings don’t empty from one person and then transfer to the next. Love is a connection, a permanent dent we make on each other. Though feelings and circumstances change, if you’ve truly loved someone, it never goes away.

– Shakira Sison via Twitter

The problem in dealing with heartbreak is that we treat it as a condition we need to get rid of, and that we need to do all sorts of things to end the sadness and devastation so we can ‘move on’. The reality is that it is a condition that needs to be accepted as a constant, like grief. When you lose someone to death, you don’t wake up every morning asking yourself if it hurts and what you can do so it stops hurting. You just know it hurts and will hurt for the rest of your life. You don’t check if you’ve moved on from someone’s death. Same with losing someone you love. The pain will always be there. You will always love that person. You will never get that person back. But you can honor their memory by being good, doing good, being a better partner, examining yourself and making yourself a better person. In the process you will begin to heal, and one day you’ll realize that you’ve spent less and less time looking for that pain and feeling it, and then maybe you’ve found someone new or you’re ready to love someone else.

– Shakira Sison